Climate: Moderate, 4 seasons are typical
Currency: Georgian Lari (GEL). Money exchange is possible at the airport, banks and private booths in the cities. Private booths offering relatively reasonable rates compared with banks.
Safety concerns: none – Georgia is among the safest countries in the world. You can freely walk in the streets late night without a fear of being robbed.
Transportation: Public transportation (buses, metro) and private transportation (minibuses, taxis) are common. Prices ranges as cheap as 25 cents and up.
Gestures: As typical for western culture. No special concerns.
Religion: Predominantly Orthodox Christian. Be aware that most Georgians are believers and show great respect to the Patriarch. It is also important to observe rules of behavior at churches – keep silence and wear skirts and scarf (for women) and avoid wearing short pants (for men).
Essential Georgian words to know: “Gamarjoba” (hello), “Madloba” (thanks), “Gaumarjos” (cheers), “Genacvale” (you have to experience the meaning of this word yourself).
Check F.A.Q. for more information.